Start Your Cybersecurity Analyst Career

Jobs in computer and information security are in high demand, projected to grow by 32 percent in the next decade*. You’ll find the resources you need to jumpstart your cybersecurity career here.

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Build job-ready cybersecurity skills with leading companies and universities

Cybersecurity analysts protect computer networks and systems from cyber threats. They identify vulnerabilities in organizations, implement defensive measures, investigate incidents, and coordinate responses to cyberattacks. Becoming a junior cybersecurity analyst is an excellent first step in your cybersecurity career. You’ll build the foundational skills you need to transition into a more advanced or specialized role, such as security engineering or architecture. Learn more about how to prepare for an entry-level cybersecurity analyst role and how Coursera can help:

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*US Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Technology Occupations: Information Security Analysts,” Accessed February 6, 2024.